Friday 30 November 2007


It was after lunch at the camp, the sun was right overhead and everyone was relaxing in the 40 degree heat. I was sitting on the chair outside my tent writing my journal, when Sammi calls me over.
As the elder of the group, he is treated as such, and so keen to follow custom, I immediately drop my book and amble over. He's sitting under the tree with the other men. I see James and John, our Masai guide and night-guard hunched over a black pot, sieving what looks like milky tea into bowls.
"Here, take some, this is only for the men. Here, sit" He says, and fires some Kiswahili to James. I'm aware Alice and Dee are hovering nearby, itching to walk over but for some reason not doing.
One of them pleads again to come over and try some, and Sammi turns and bellows to them; "I TOLD YOU, GO BACK TO YOUR TENT! NOW!" He bellows, pointing to their tent. They exchange a look and retreat to their tent.

Guess this really is a man-thing then...

James passes me a bowl of the hot, light brown, opaque liquid.
"Asanta sana" I say, taking the bowl carefully.
"Karribu sana"
I try not to obviously smell it, but it smelt like, well, shit. But keen not to look rude, I take a big, burning gulp.
It tastes ok, a bit like "meaty" tea, and despite the smell, the more I drink, the nicer it tastes. James explains to me "their" tea is made with different herbs, roots, and tree-bark, which is then brewed and added to a "soup" of boiled goat-bones. Different herbs are used for different things- this one being for men.
I ask him to clarify, and he laughs, looking away. "This one makes you strong..."
I look to Sammi, and he grins as he takes his second bowl (elders privilege).
Sammi raises his fist up and down, bending at the elbow in the unmistakable international gesture for a stonker; "Very strong!" he says "only for men!"
Having finished my bowl, and watched Kimani (our chief) down a bowl and growl his trademark "WOW!!", I feel my time "with the boys" is over. I say thanks and return to my seat outside my tent, aware Alice and Dee are watching me and giggling.

I can't concentrate on my journal, so sit back and close my eyes. My stomach feels "light". Strange images and thoughts flash through my mind. I look down.
I quickly look around. Thankfully everyone else has gone to their tents. Including my fellow tea-drinkers.
Hunched over, I get up and step into my tent.
Mrs Grasshopper, looks up at me "well, did it work?!"
I look down.
Mrs G looks down too.
And bursts into peels of laughter.
"Aww" she says, insensitively patting my tenting old boy. Then bursting into more peels of laughter.
"Thanks love. Funny. Real funny."


Anonymous said...

Absolutely genius I'm literally weak laughing. What a brilliant recollection of that day. Can't wait to read more. Alice xx

Unknown said...

Hi Grashopper, it´s me, Katrin from Germany!!! I am so glad I got that´s lovely reading your stories! You should really publish a book! Great! Please keep on writing!!!!

All the best also to Mrs. Grashopper,
take care,
Katrin xxx